The Girls were 2 months old last thursday!! Our prayers are being answered everyday. We are so blessed to have these little angels and continue to pray for them often.

Brooklynn has been doing very well, she has been off the ventilator now for quite some time and we get to hold her frequently. She has found her voice and uses it often to let us know when she’s not feeling well or not wanting to be messed with. She is currently 3lbs 2ozs.

Kambry is still on the ventilator, but the Doctors are hopeful that we will get her off the vent in the next week. They are also starting to consider sending her back to Hattiesburg to be with her sister! Kambry now weighs 2lbs 13ozs.

Both girls are doing very well considering the circumstances in which they entered the world and the progress they have made is an answered prayer each and every day.

Amy,you know Johnny and I love all of you and pray God will keep his hands on those babies.
Was able to show our congregation who they have been praying for. We are all sohappy to see them thriving.
Anita McLain and
Mt. Vernon United Methodist
Kentucky love and prayers still coming your way. Stay strong. Love you guys!
Debbie Chapman
They are looking so much bigger! Still praying everyday, and hoping they are back together in Hattiesburg soon. Much love to you all – Eden.