Carter-Party of Four


Well, the day finally came that we have all been praying so long for. We are a little late in posting the update, but Kambry came home on July 30th!



Kambry had been having an oxygen test twice a week to see how long she could keep her O2 sats up without having O2. For several weeks she had been going for 2-5 minutes. We couldn’t bring her home until she could go at least 20 minutes. We knew she was going to be staying at the FGH NICU for a while.

Reality set in and we began preparing.  We knew she would be coming home with O2 so we had to learn how to run all of the equipment and check the monitors. It isn’t hard at all…but was and is still scary sometimes.

Fast forward to today. Both girls are doing amazing and Kambry has settled in so well. She has finally decided that snuggles with mom and dad aren’t so bad. She and Brooklynn have tummy time together and then fight over who gets to nap with daddy.  Both girls sleep pretty well, and let us get a little rest at night. It is amazing to see them now, at home, and to realize that God is still in the business of performing miracles. These girls are a true testament to His power.

We still have a long way to go before her lungs are ready to work totally on their own. We see a pediatric pulmonologist in a couple of weeks, as well as a urologist to keep a watch on a small liver issue.

All smiles

Thank you for every thought and prayer that you have all sent up. We would not have been able to complete this journey without them. Although our journey is really just beginning, we have come so far! Please keep us and the girls in your prayers as we continue to settle in to life at home with twins!

One Reply to “Carter-Party of Four”

  1. This is so wonderful! Thankful & Glad things are as well as they are with these two! ✝️ Praise the Lord! 🙌🏻 Thank you for the updates that you post 🙂

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