Friday night I got the call that I knew could happen at any time, but dreaded no less. “We need to transfer Kambry.” I got the call just after 9:30 and the helicopter was already on the way from Jackson. I had just enough time to rush to the hospital to see her before they left with her. Richard was already in Jackson; he had gone on an errand and was just about to start home. She had been on her belly for most of the afternoon-her favorite place. Night shift got ready to turn her and found her belly very distended. She’s had so many belly issues that they were very concerned. They drew off air, 6 cc’s of milk, and 2 cc’s of blood. They immediately called Jackson for transfer. X-ray showed no abnormal air in her belly, so at this point the transfer was a precautionary measure. They wanted her near a surgeon in case things got worse. We are always worried about a perforation or a really scary issue known as NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis).
We got to see her around 2 Saturday morning, once they had her in the unit and stabilized, but we had no idea what Jackson would find and what we should expect. The NICU in Jackson is a scary place! There are around 70-100 babies at any time and no private rooms. So different from what we are used to.
Rounds take place between 9:30-10 every morning. We were told to be there so we would be included in Kambry’s care and decisions. Again, we started fighting issues; sugar dropped, sodium spiked, calcium and triglycerides through the roof. Here, though, they can taylor the IV nutrition to Kambry’s needs. No lipids, higher phosphorus ratio, exact amounts of other nutrients to level her issues. And it is amazing what a difference a day makes. As of today, 2/6, Kambry’s labs are all normal, with the exception of her triglycerides, which are under control. The reason she’s in Jackson, her belly, looks great on X-Rays, and currently, we have no reason to be concerned. She will even be starting to try food on her belly today.
Brooklynn is doing amazing! She is 1lb 10oz and eating like a piggy!! She gets 16.5 cc’s every 3 hours. They have changed her to “continuous feeds” so her tiny belly doesn’t get overloaded. So, she gets 5.5 cc’s every hour. Other than that, she is eating, sleeping and pooping Exactly what we want!
As always, we ask that you keep the girls and us in your prayers. Kambry will be in Jackson for several weeks before we can even consider transfer back here. Rich will be staying with Kambry and I will be in Hattiesburg with Brooklynn. It will be difficult to say the least. We covet your prayers, texts, calls and emails. They help us keep going.
For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11-12
Hi Amy, praying for you guys. So glad to hear that are doing well. Love seeing their beautiful faces.
Rachel Wilson is one of my dearest friends and has asked me for prayers for you and your family. I can promise you that Heaven has been bombarded with your names. And will continue to be. Psalm 138:8. The Lord thy God will perfect that which concerneth thee.
We are in prayer for those sweet girls and their mama and daddy! We love you all so much! Please don’t hesitate to call if you need anything at all!
The Bradfords
This is your neighbor sheila peoples. Please know that our thoughts and prayers have been with you and your precious daughters. If we can do anything please don’t hesitate to let us know. Your babies are beautiful.
Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am one of the techs that was in the OR when these precious babies were born. I ask about them often. So glad y’all started this as I know so many wonder how they are doing.
Continued prayers for you all!
Hello you don’t know me, but Teresa Finch is a dear lady who taught me about the love of Jesus when I was a teenager. So when she posted this story about members of her family needing prayers , I wanted to pray. The baby girls are beautiful & I will be in prayer for them until they’re home & you all are reunited. God bless your family.
God is good all the time even in our storms. He carries us through. I have been praying his peace and mercy for your family during this time. Will continue to lift you up daily.
Hey. Carter Family, just want U all 2no we stamd n agreement w/U all. We love yall, Total Healing 4 our Granddaughters!!!
You all are in our prayers daily! We love you and miss your smiling face at church.
Amy and Richard. I want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with the four of you. If we can do anything other than pray please let me know. We love you and know God’s angels surround those precious little girls as well as you and Richard.

So happy to hear the girls are doing better. I can’t even begin to imagine the roller coaster of emotions yall are going through, especially now with being separated. Remember, God is in control and knows that you and Richard are strong enough to handle this and help other families in the same situation. You have always been a strong woman and have always been strong in your faith. Keep both of those things and yall will be fine. We love you all!! Can’t wait to meet your precious angels!!
Hey y’all. I’ve been keeping up with everyone through Rachael. I’m in Jackson if you need anything. Rachael has my contact info. Y’all are in my prayers. I’ve got friends who work at UMC also , let me know if I can help. Prayers for y’all. Denna

So thankful for the healing hands of God. It is amazing what he does in our lives. So glad things are improving slowly. The girls are beautiful. Coming from a mother that had a daughter with a premature baby i just want to say that God gives strength and hope every minute of the day. Prayers for you and your family.
Praying daily for all four of you. I can’t imagine the roller coater ride of fear and relief and stress from being seperated – so thankful you know the Lord and seek His strength to get you through.
So glad to hear about the girls. I’m glad that Kambry is doing better. I have been and will continue to pray for the girls and you and Richard. Hang in there! God is in control.